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Here you will find a variety of books, trainings material, and merchandise to support your ministry.


Prayer That Reaches God's Heart

Kneeology is a study of prayer and a guide to help believers understand how to approach and relate to God in prayer. It explains that prayer is a conversation between you and God, requiring that we listen and speak. You will discover how we communicate with each person of the Trinity. We will also examine prayer from different perspectives, such as approaches, types, and biblical prayers. The book provides many biblical examples of how God moved on behalf of His faithful servants, such as Hannah, Jabez, Solomon, Jehoshaphat, and many New Testament saints. Additionally, it explores Gideon’s prayer journey, revealing that a lack of confidence in prayer is often connected to our view of God and ourselves. We learn that God’s favor is a gift, not something we must earn. You'll discover that prayer was not man’s idea but God’s. God initiated the relationship with humanity and bids us to come boldly into His presence through our relationship with Jesus Christ. While the positions we use in prayer vary, prayer is often associated with someone bowing on their knees which is why the book is titled Kneeology. Prayer is often instantaneous, and there are times when physically bowing is not an option. However, the heart should bow in submission to God each time we pray, for it is the attitude of the heart that moves God.

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